What is Spirulina?

Find out what spirulina is

Spirulina's History

Read about the fasinating story spirulina has to tell

Spirulina and Lifestyle

Find out how spirulina can improve your health

The Social Impact of Spirulina

The future of feeding the world

Spirulina's Footprint: How Much More H2O do Competing Crops Use?
Soy 0
Corn 0
Beef 0

What amazing things can we find in spirulina?

Omega-3 Fatty Acid

Essential to neuro and cardio health and much more


This fatty acid has many health benefits ranging from anti-inflammation to maintaining a healthy weight


Essential to neurological health


This molecule removed heavy metal toxins from the body ex. mercury


Spirulina contains more calcium than milk or spinach


Spirulina contains vitamins A, C, & E in addition to all B vitamins, all in their natural state


1.Mama, K. -. (2018, February 11). Spirulina Benefits: 7 Reasons to Try It (& 1 Major Caution) Wellness Mama. Retrieved February 22, 2018, from https://wellnessmama.com/4738/spirulina-benefits/

2 .E. (2018, February 01). Spirulina – Scientific Review on Usage, Dosage, Side Effects. Retrieved February 22, 2018, from https://examine.com/supplements/spirulina/

  1. Ehrlich, S. D., NMD. (July 16). Spirulina. Retrieved February 22, 2018, from https://www.umm.edu/health/medical/altmed/supplement/spirulina
  2. Karkos, P. D., Leong, S. C., Karkos, C. D., Sivaji, N., & Assimakopoulos, D. A. (2010, October 19). Spirulina in Clinical Practice: Evidence-Based Human Applications. Retrieved February 22, 2018, from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3136577/
  3. Liu, Q., Huang, Y., Zhang, R., Cai, T., & Cai, Y. (2016, May 11). Medical Application of Spirulina platensis Derived C-Phycocyanin. Retrieved February 22, 2018, from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4879233/
  4. Kozlenko, R., DPM, Ph.D M.P.H., & R. H. (1998). Latest Scientific Research on Spirulina: Effects on the AIDS Virus, Cancer and the Immune System. Retrieved February 22, 2018, from https://inspiredliving.com/greenfoods/a~spirulina-immunesystem.htm
  5. Dee, G. (2018, February 19). 13 Research Backed Health Benefits of Spirulina. Retrieved February 22, 2018, from https://www.juicingwithg.com/health-benefits-of-spirulina/
  6. Henrikson, R. (1989). Earth Food Spirulina The Complete Guide To A Powerful New Food That Can Help Rebuild Our Health and Restore Our Environment. Hana, Hawaii: Ronore Enterprises, Inc.
  7. Moorhead, K., Capelli, B., & Cysewski, G. R., PhD. (1993). Spirulina Nature’s Superfood. Hawaii: Cyanotech Corporation.
  8. Tietze, H. W. (1999). Spirulina Micro Food Macro Blessing (4th ed.).

Special thanks to Mark Edwards, PhD & Robert Henrikson author of Earth Food Spirulina, and CEO of Smart Microfarms

Still curious? Read these amazing books about spirulina!

Earth Food Spirulina

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Imagine our Algae Future

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Algae Microfarms

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