Real Spirulina

Health Benefits of Spirulina

Once used as a staple food, spirulina is now regarded as a “superfood” with drastic effects on human health if consumed. Spirulina improved human immune function, removes toxins from the body protects vital systems, and is currently in an experimental stage with disease prevention.

Spirulina naturally contains chlorophyll, a virtually identical molecule to hemoglobin, which binds to heavy metals and removes them from the body. On any given day we ingest mercury, cadmium, and aluminum, all toxic to the body.

In addition, subjects who ate spirulina versus those who did not saw vast improvements in their immune systems. Spirulina aided in bone marrow repair, blood cell production, and thymus and spleen function enhancement.

Due to spirulina high nutrient density, it offers protection to many vital systems. From improved, renal and hepatic functions to cardiovascular protection spirulina seriously assists body functions. Spirulina has a high fatty acid content which in turn protects neurological functions. With such high nutrient levels, those with poor digestion ought to be urged to consume spirulina as well.

With technological advancements, more and more is being learned about spirulina potential health benefits. In the midst of being researched now is disease preventions, cholesterol control, and more. Research especially is centered around autoimmune disease and cancer prevention. In some case studies, oral cancer lesions have been shown to be reduced.

-Nathan Jacques Saldinger