Tactical Food

We design unique nutritional solutions for military personnel: a light and portable meal that provides real energy and contains everything a soldier needs for a healthy, filling meal.

Our products are easy to carry and ready-to-eat. They help maintain health and strength at all times, while also enhancing mental and physical performance.

Innovative Cosmetics

We are working on a new line of cosmeceutical products, using cutting edge technological innovations and the benefits of ancient beauty secrets.

Our products are based on a unique formula that uses the extraordinary properties of Spirulina and powerful herbs that are known to nourish skin and maintain a healthy, radiant look.

Advanced Sports Nutrition

We make 100% organic energy products for professional athletes from a delicious mix of Spirulina and the finest natural ingredients.

Our energy bars are extra-rich in natural protein, fibers and healthy carbs that help build muscle mass and fuel your body with long-lasting energy. All the energy you need – now in a healthy and tasty way!

Our Products

All our products are made with fresh Spirulina.

About Us

Our Mission

How We Do It

Uncompromising Quality

REAL Spirulina Benefits

more iron than spinach
more beta-carotene than carrots
more calcium than milk
more potassium than bananas
more vitamin E than strawberries
more protein than meat

Improves Fitness

Spirulina helps to get in shape and increase your metabolism. It is one of the most highly concentrated sources of natural protein and therefore it is excellent for athletes who look for proper nutrition and energy and wish to enhance their athletic performance.

Boosts the Immune System

Spirulina is rich in iron and therefore ideal for vegans, pregnant woman, people who recover from surgery and anyone who needs to strengthen their immune system. It helps to relieve allergy symptoms, lowers blood pressure and cholesterol and increases memory and cognitive performance

Maintains a Strong & Vital Body

Spirulina helps create and maintain healthy hair, glowing skin and strong nails. It is recommended for anyone who is interested in achieving a healthy lifestyle through a rich and balanced nutrition.

Spirulina – The Ultimate Superfood

“The best food for the future of mankind” – FAO

Spirulina is one of the oldest known nourishment, and at the same time it is the promise for the future. It has been used by NASA as space food for astronauts, the World Health Organization praises its health benefits, and it was recognized by the Food & Agriculture Organization of the United Nations as the future aliment for humanity.

Spirulina is known for its extraordinary nutritious value: it is packed with minerals, iron and antioxidants, it contains a wide range of vitamins and is a rich source of natural protein, containing all the essential amino acids.


We are committed to working with organizations that support healthy food and lifestyle, and strive to promote humanitarian and strategic cooperation.

11 Montefiore Street, Tel Aviv, Israel
Sunday – Thursday: 9 am to 5 pm